Sunday, March 13, 2011


Sometimes life feels like one huge series of goodbyes. I used to move around quite a bit, so I felt like a pro at them. Sure, I was sad to leave the number of friends I had made behind, but the goodbyes just didn't seem to hurt like they do as I have gotten older. I really love meeting new people and I love having a ton of friends. Recently though, I've become so guarded. After having friendships turn out to be nothing but a joke, relationships fall apart, family ties be cut, and just flat out having to live without Greyson, I want absolutely no part in it. I do need to mention that in the midst of all these goodbyes I have gained the most wonderful bestfriend imaginable. Aside from that relationship, I have been keeping myself way more than 'an arm's length away' from everyone. I definitely still have a ton of friends, but I've lost all desire to really enjoy those friendships and relationships with people. I mean, I don't want to run the risk of hurting someone or being hurt myself. Now, I am a firm believer in choosing your closest friends carefully, but I'm just scared as hell. It's as simple as that. I'm too scared to even believe that someone might want to care. I'm too scared to begin to believe that I should let myself be close to someone. What kind of life is that though, living in fear? I'm positive that I am not the only person that does this or feels this way. So, let's just stop all this nonsense and live fully and love everyone fully. Put your all into it. Believe in the good people have to offer. Believe in the good you have to offer others. I am fully aware that I need to 'jump in', so to speak, and LIVE. So, that's exactly what I'll do. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Heaven is at Hand

I don't think that heaven is some faraway place...I think that heaven is near; it's right here on earth.
Heaven is the happiest times of our lives--it's true bliss. It's our job to find "heaven" as many times as possible while we're here. Find happiness in the smallest things, and always make it count. If you can do this, you'll live a good, full life.
I try to have a positive perspective on life, however, sometimes it's just freaking difficult. I read a book by a Buddhist monk, named Thich Nhat Hanh. The book shared his philosophies about life, and I found it pretty inspiring. He said to find joy in everything you do; whether you're working, with your friends, or even doing the dishes. The biggest part of his philosophy is becoming one with yourself. Essentially, know yourself and be your own person, and always show others compassion.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Show compassion and know yourself. Okay. Not hard. :p
But I mean, really think about it. Try to find happiness in everything, it's easier said than done. And if you get a chance, I really recommend reading some stuff by this guy.
“Live your daily life in a way that you never lose yourself. When you are carried away with your worries, fears, cravings, anger, and desire, you run away from yourself and you lose yourself. The practice is always to go back to oneself.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
“People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong. Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom?” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Friendship... :)

Today I had a choir contest in Talequah, which gave me lots of much needed quiet time to think. I spent a good deal of time thinking about frienships, and what they mean to me.
There is something indescribably wonderful about friends-- knowing you have someone to count on through thick and thin. I've been through a lot in my life, with losing both my mom and my best friend in the past 3 years; and I know that if it wasn't for my friends, I certainly wouldn't have made it through. I am lucky enough to say that I have some of the best friends in the world. Whether they're old friends or new, we always have the most spectacular times.
One of the best things about Greyson and my friendship, was that we were about to find fun in the most simple things. There was never a dull moment. Grey could always turn a bad situation into a good one, he could always make me laugh. The times we shared are forever in my heart, forever in my memory.
So cheers to your friends, my friends, and the people we'll never know. Cheers to the memories, the laughter, and the love.
Try to be like Greyson-- be friends with everyone, and never have a dull moment.
<3 N

An Introduction (first post)

This is the very first post we wrote but it somehow got deleted, so we'll just post it again!

Hey everyone,
This is Nina and Rachel, juniors in the small town of Poteau. We started this blog in honor of our dear friend Greyson. Greyson possessed a quality that many people try their whole lives to acquire, which is making the most of each day. At only 16 he lived a more full life than many can say they ever have. The purpose of this blog is to share with everyone Grey's love of life. So this is our joint effort to blog about Greyson, Love, Life, and everything in between.


Monday, February 28, 2011

I need a song.

I'm sure we've all heard a song that just touches us in a way that nothing else ever could. Wether it be a perfect lyric or just beautiful music, it has a way of really connecting with you. It may seem silly but I know after losing Greyson, I began searching for a song. A song that could truly relate to my mix of emotions. And I was pleased to find quite a few. But one night that I can never forget is when, after a particularly rough day of being at the funeral home, myself, Nina, and a few other friends all got together and just reminisced on all our classic 'Greyson Moments'. Towards the end, my beautifully talented bestfriend, plays the most amazing music on the piano. It's absolutely the most wonderful thing I have ever heard..

Nina and I text each other quite often with 'Oh my god, listen to this song.' and the reply is always 'Thats SO perfect!' It can seriously make my day to find a perfect song that fits my feelings, but maybe that's just me being weird.

The band Jimmy Eat World wrote a beautiful song titled 'Hear You Me'. These are a few lyrics; "What would you think of me now, so lucky, so strong, so proud? I never said thank you for that, now I'll never have a chance." I know that Nina, myself, and countless others that knew him best just want to make him proud. None of us had the chance to really understand just what Greyson meant to us until after he was already gone. But we cant look back in regret, that's the farthest from what he would want. We should all just choose to live, I mean REALLY live. Live the life you love and live it to the fullest. Be happy, love fully, and live the Greyson way.
